FAQ & Support

Here are some frequently asked questions. The fastest way to get support is to check the common issues below.

95% of inquiries we receive are related to these common issues.

Do I have to wait after I order to receive my Google AdWords Masterclass access?.

No, you will receive access to your Google AdWords Masterclass immediately after payment. After purchase, you will be taken to a Thank You page which will have your own unique members area to get access and you will be download all the resources.

I received an error when I try to order!

We’ve partnered with ClickBank for handling the orders on our site. ClickBank is the leading retailer of digital products and has a very reliable ordering system. If the order page doesn’t work please try again in a couple of minutes.

How long do I have access to my Google AdWords Masterclass!

You have full access to your access member’s area so you can start your watch your course at any time or come back to it in the future if needed.

Is it safe to buy online?

We only accept online payments. In addition to credit Absolutely! Our merchant processor, ClickBank, is the premier choice of businesses selling their products and services online. They have an excellent track record of safety and security for online purchases, any your information is NOT revealed to anyone else, not even us.


ClickBank’s secured and approved merchant process is noted by a yellow lock at the bottom or top of the page during your order. Using the latest encrypting technology, 128-bit SSL ensures a safe and secure transaction.

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